Ep. 8 Game implementation of smart contract Blockchain Tutorial in Unreal Engine 5
In this episode, we will finally make full use of what we have set up. I focus here mainly on reading the data from the smart contracts, parsing it, and displaying it for ingame use. To put something clear We have created a container that can store data for users. It will store the data persistently for as long the internet lasts and blockchain is a thing, so we can assume forever. It will be accessible long after the developer of the game vanish and still work based on smart contracts as long as someone will pay for the transaction fees. All costs that were made so far for this to work are 0. 01 USD on the developer side and 0. 007 USD on the user s side (for minting all colors. not per operation). That is one of the reasons that blockchain as a technology to store persistent data is a very viable method that doesn t require upkeep, monthly payments, maintenance or security. content: 0:00 Intro 2:39 Color widget 8:18 Prepare character 12:12 Widget onClicked 13:34 Query sma