Early Qur anic Scrolls from the Qubbat Al Khazna: A Muslim Byzantine Production
Ort: Raum 07W04, Staatsbibliothek, Unter den Linden 8, Akademieflügel Datum: 11:00 Arianna DOttone Rambach (Sapienza University of Rome): Early Quranic Scrolls from the Qubbat alkhazna: A Muslim Byzantine Production This contribution aims to reconsider some early Quranic parchment scrolls once stored in Damascus Qubbat alkhazna and currently preserved in Istanbul at the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts. Their peculiar book form never received a convincing explanation. However, the production of GreekByzantine liturgical scrolls in Damascus up to the 4th, 10th century offers a meaningful precedent that sheds light on the provenance and the origin of these scrolls. Codicological techniques, bilingual GreekArabic witnesses and oral performances are some of the elements that link the Byzantine and Islamic scrolls production in the Syrian area.