Anime Quiz Visuals Only, 2 Silhouettes, Eyes, Hangman and 4 Images 1 OP + Bonus
Moshi moshi everyone Just finished this one barely on time due to some technical issues but the Anime Quiz Visuals Only, 2 is here I had a great time editing (didn t sleep anything but it was worth it) and also I m trying a new thumbnail style. As always, have a great weekend, and hope you enjoy this one o, Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 0:21 Silhouettes 4:15 Eyes 8:41 Hangman 15:04 4 Images 1 OP 19:47 Bonus If you want to support the channel, you can donate here: KoFi: MercadoPago: Any amount is highly appreciated and you will appear in each intro for every video in that month , animequiz, anime