We Have Band You Came Out ( Official Music Video)
We Have Band You Came Out official music video. Created by W+K creative team Ida Gronblom Fabian Berglund and Blinkink director David Wilson. The face paint animation film is made up of 4, 816 separate stills. Each and every frame was handpainted, shot, wiped off and redrawn, slightly differently for the next frame in order to create a seamless sequence. This timeconsuming process involved the band members lying still for two consecutive days in a studio. In order to animate the singing bit, lip movement was created by animating a painted mouth on the singer Dede. This involved breaking the lyrics into phonetics and giving each sound a specific mouth shape. To make this as realistic as possible all the mouth shapes were painted on Dedes face individually and then shot. All 4, 816 frames of the music video can be found on Flickr br, br,