Diplodocus Slow And Heavy Slow And Heavy ( B side) (2019)
Ambient, Dungeon Synth, Dino Synth from a long lost land. Bandcamp: Slow And Heavy: Slow And Heavy (Bside) Facebook: Slow And Heavy (2019) 1. Prowl of the Concavenator 00:00 2. Encased in Amber 04:21 3. Grazing Antarctopelta 07:30 4. Tanystropheus Reign 11:02 5. Faint Burning Glimmer in the Mesozoic Sky. 13:54 Slow And Heavy (Bside) (2019) 1. Return of the Thunder Lizard 17:15 2. Plotting Cynodonts 20:58 3. Primal Rage 25:59 4