Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer: Stop saying that you had it, stop saying you know someone who had it C0vid is a HOAX
Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer: Stop saying that you had it, stop saying you know someone who had it C0vid is a HOAX Brilliant, lovely and wonderful (as always) Dr Amandha I can t help but keep thinking of an old saying (I like old sayings lots) you can t cure stupid. I have been telling people this since it started. People are fucking stupid for the most part. These people dont seem to be able to parse the fact that if there was a pandemic bodies would be rotting in the vaccine is the virus And remember folks what really make you sick Environmental factors, stress, poisoned food and water, the chemical engineering, EMF radiation and 5G is the elephant in the room its radiation poisoning make sickness with same symptoms that they have put out for Convid. Now they ve changed the symptoms of the latest Moronic (anagram) variant to match the symptoms of vaccine damage Does that not ring loud bells for you If not FULL descr here: