Woodturning Wood Bouquet Vase
Recycling some off cuts pieces of hardwood to wood turn them into a wooden bouquet vase. The species I used in this video was Zebrano, burl, burr, wenge, oak, sapele, purpleheart, pedauk, iroko, ash and American walnut. For resin pigments I chose purple colour and used my chameleon type pigments to achieve cool effect. After casting is was ready to go up on my woodturning lathe to make it round and turn it into a vase Instagram: Facebook: Website: Affiliated Link: 10 OFF on Starbond Glue Website Use Code: DSWT10 In the future I would like to share my creations with the audience here ranging from both simple woodturning ideas ideal for beginners but also more complex and artistic works for those like a bit of cha