Anti Gravity Technology Hidden in Nature Viktor Grebennikov
The first 500 people who click the link in the description will get 2 free months of Skillshare Premium: This video was sponsored by Skillshare For generations, humans have been on a quest to understand the mysteries of hyperdimensional physics and unlock the secrets of antigravity. Many scientists consider antigravitational technology to be the Holy Grail of the 21st century a single technology that will completely change human civilization and bring about a new age on Earth and beyond. That such technology is possible is backed up by the countless UFO videos and sightings all around the world. Recently, even the United States Navy released mysterious footage of a UFO encountered by navy pilots. According to the data, NASA began its work on antigravity technology in 1992. They believed that a device built around a superconductor and a magnet could shield an object from gravity. Declassified documents, however, indicate that the United States started thei