Essential Message to Women
Here is an essential message for all women and young ladies, as well as to all that seek to protect women and or teach the emotional and physical elements of female Self Protection Please show this to all the ladies that are significant in your life as well as any women within your work place and social circle LM Would you like more UC content Check out our Urban Combatives Online Allinclusive subscription with over 214 Videos und 138 hours runtime (include the complete PADCOM Video) here: If you ve never heard of Urban Combatives, this book is the best way to start with UC: Buy the Ebook The Complete Book of Urban Combatives for 9, 99 Euro instead 24, 99 Euro and you become a 9, 99 Euro voucher for the Urban Combatives Online allinclusive subscription: Would you like to take your selfprotection, Krav Maga or combatives training