Weekly Torah Study: Behaalotcha
Sometimes we just throw up our hands and give up. We don t like it. It s frustrating, even humiliating, but it happens. When Israel unjustly pressed Moshe for meat in the wilderness he hit his I can t do this anymore moment. Fortunately Gd stepped in and saved the day. But we are not Gd, and giving up as an admission as much. Beha alotcha (Numbers 8:1 12:16) Parashat Beha alotcha is read on Shabbat: Sivan 14, 5783, June 3, 2023 Join our Terumah 2023 campaign 36 YEARS of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT: Visit us: Become a fan on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Look for us on Instagram: Weekly Newsletter: Telegram: t. me, templeinstitute Spotify: