NAF 8 most used Nades on Mirage ( T)
A summary of NAF s most used Nades on the T side of Mirage. List of the Nades: 1. Smoke T spawn to TopMid (0:22) Lineup(0:56) 2. Molotov Palace entrance to Shadow (1:11) Lineup(2:10) 3. Molotov Inside Palace to Shadow (2:38) Lineup(2:54) 4. Molotov Palace to Balcony (3:15) Lineup(3:29) 5. HE T roof to Ramp Ledge (3:44) Lineup(4:08) 6. HE Ramp to Tetris (4:26) No lineup 7. Flash Back Alley to B site 1st flash (5:23) Lineup (5:43) 8. Flash Back Alley to B site 2nd flash (5:19)