1983 03 16 Right Mooladhara ( Public program, Sydney, Australia)
must be some sort of a thing behind your head and thats what it is here. That the Mooladhara is expressed at the back. Here in the point which is jutting out of your cranium bones, thats the point is of Mooladhara. Now how it has an effect on the eyes, because it goes on wobbling. There are two types of effects of Mooladhara. One is the right side another left side. If you are too much constipated person, if you suffer from too much constipation and you are a very strict man, even you would not look at your wife, that sort of a person. There are that another extremes are there. A nun or a priest or some sort of a thing like that. Just forced celibacy and a very disciplined life. Such people can get right Mooladhara. The left Mooladhara those people get it who are not at all have any respect for their chastity. These are the two types of extreme you go because of the left and the right. But the left side Mooladhara is much more dangerous than the right side. Because at the most, a person can get c