Joker Vocaloid Fan Made PV
Ahhh after a loooong loooooooong process I ve finally finished my first PV And this is my first time working with Sony Vegas so please be easy on me w I had fun doing this 8D But damn it takes me so flipping long D: Oh well Its done now 8D Song: Joker Vocals: Gakupo (Original: Miku and no need to tell me Oh but Gakupo sung it Because I already know the story but the main point is it released with Miku so it s the original) I DO NOT OWN BOTH SONGS LADIDADIDAAA Credits song: Cirno s Perfect Yukkuri Class (Original: Cirno s Perfect Math Class) Vocals: Yukkuri Okay now onto the topic of WHO ARE THESE PEOPLES :U Well the guy is my precious OC Rean w And the girl is some random chick I made up on the spot (Who looks like a gender bend of one of my other D:). Because I m new to deviant I don t have much about my OC s on there atm but there is a story with like 2 chapters out that I plan on continuing soon. ( br, br,