Razgate After the the Fire 2020 FULL ALBUM
SUPPORT THE BAND, BUY THE ALBUM Razgate After the the Fire 2020 Punishment 18 Records Italy Tracklist: 1. Lacrimosa Dies 00:00 2. Rising Death 01:41 3. Broken by Fire 05:37 4. After the Storm 10:06 5. Grinding Metal 14:23 6. Shredding Praise 18:43 7. Behind the Walls of Terror 21:31 8. To the Rope 27:17 9. Bloodshed Deliverance 30:40 10. Crucify (The Master Deceiver) 35:39 Band members: Niccolò Snacchio Olivieri Bass Giacomo Capo James Burgassi Guitars (rhythm), Vocals Francesco Monaci Guitars (lead) Iago Bruchi Drums