Training The Young Idea (1929)
Subtitle to main title reads: by Mr Walter Brearley the famous England, Gentlemen, and Lancashire Fast Introductory intertitle reads: Just as important as Mr Brearley s grip. Seam between first two fingers for leg swerve. Finger across seam for M, S of young boys crowding around Walter Brearley as he shows them how he holds a cricket ball. Dissolve to C, U of Brearley s hand. He uses his finger to show how the ball will move when it leaves his hand. The ball has the initials W. B. written on it. In fast bowling, body balance and high reach are most important. Mr Brearley does not favour a long Brearley walks two young men through his technique. C, U of a metal marker being stamped into the ground to show their starting position. Various shots of boys and Brearley bowling linked by dissolves. Correct bowling and body ball is delivered when on the Brearley holds a young boys arms then moves his body backwards and forwards to de