Pompey Defeated (1954)
POMPEY. YOLANDE, BOXER. YOLANDE POMPEY V BOBBY DAWSON. Nottingham. LV. Start of fight. Dawson the taller. SV. Both boxers milling away. LV. Dawson slams away at Pompey but slips on canvas, up right away. SV. Promoter Reg King. SV. Pompey lands to Dawson s ear they tie up in centre. LV. Pompey lands a right to Dawson s jaw and Dawson goes down. Ref. Counts. SV. Ref. counting. LV. Pompey resumes and spoils and hangs on until his head clears. SV. Crowd. LV. Dawson fights his way out of the corner only to walk into a right to the jaw. Pompey throws a series of lefts and rights until a right to the ear sends Dawson down. SV. Dawson on canvas. LV. Dawson gets up as bell goes to end round. SV. Tommy Farr watching. SV. Pompey leaving corner to start another round. LV. SV. Seconds in corner. LV. Dawson punishing Pompey with lefts and rights against the ropes. SV. Crowd. SV. Dawson throwing lefts and rights as Pompey leans on ropes. LV. Dawson throwing lefts and rights as Pompey leans on ropes. end of fight. S