Selected Originals Tom Obrien MP Knighted (1956)
Selected Originals (offcuts, selected scenes, outtakes, rushes) for story Tom O Brien MP Knighted 56, 16 Contains footage not seen in the original story without voice over or music, There are no titles or title scene. Buckingham Palace, London Facade of Buckingham Palace pan down to see people exiting. MS. Tom O Brien M. P. General Secretary of (NATKE National Association of Theatrical and Kinematograph Employees) and his two daughters. CU. Tom O Brien. CU. Tom O Brien and daughters Pat and Bernadette zoom in to Tom. GV. Recipients coming out of Palace into Quadrangle. GV. As Recipients come out into Quadrangle a couple stop and pose for the camera. SV. Lamps. LV. Buckingham Palace SV. Tom O Brien s car arrives and pulls up outside Buckingham Palace. GV. Tom and his daughters climb out of the car. GV. Tom and his daughters pose for the camera. MS. Tom O Brien and daughters outside Buckingham Palace. SV. Tom O Brien and one of his daughters. GV. Tom and daughters walking towards camera.