The Strata Property Act What Changed in November 2022 , Legislation, BC Strata Corporations
Turn on closed captioning. Changes to the Strata Property Act became effective on November 25, 2022. Highlights: In this webinar 4 BC strata lawyers discuss changes to electronic meetings, agerestriction bylaws, rentals, and what stratas can do next. See the updated Strata Property Act at: Host: Wendy Wall, VISOA President Speakers: Leah McKenzieBrown, Stratum Law Corporation Trevor Morley, Reed Pope Law Corporation Shawn M. Smith, Cleveland Doan LLP Jason Rohrick, Strata lawyer 00:00 introduction 01:15 Trevor Morley: Electronic AGMs and SGMS 07:16 Leah McKenzieBrown: Age restriction bylaws 12:28 Shawn M. Smith: Rentals in stratas 19:04 Jason Rohrick: What do stratas do now 25:13 Q A 25:28 Shawn M. Smith: Maximum occupancy bylaws 26:02 Trevor Morley: Singlefamily residential dwelling bylaws 27:40 Shawn M. Smith: Copy of