When Should the Sexes Have Their Own Spaces , Helen Joyce, EP 379
What you are about to watch is an abridged version of the full interview between Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and womens rights activist Helen Joyce. Due to content policies that could threaten our ability to use this platform, a 34minute cut is necessary. Regardless, the conversation contained within is important now more than ever. If you would like to support freedom of speech and the free exploration of ideas, then please consider watching the full 2hour interview on the DailyWire+: Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Helen Joyce discuss the takedown of their last interview on this channel, the true tradition of womens rights, and the harsh reality of what women stand to lose today. Helen Joyce is an Irish novelist and journalist, acting as the executive editor for events and business at the Economist in London. Before this, she trained as a mathematician, graduating from the Trinity College in Dublin, before attending Cambridge. She then acquired a PHD in geometric measure theor