COOP Himmelb(l)au, , Martin Luther Kirche, , Hainburg
Hainburg is placed aprox. 50km in the east of Vienna and aprox 15km in the west of Bratislava. When the old building, an old villa, was overaged the question aroused wether to renovate the existing building or build completely new on a different land. The descision was made to build completely new and Wolf Prix, head of COOP Himmelblau, drew the sketch of this beautiful and unique church as gratitude to his hometown. is an on going video project to establisch a catalogue for architectural projects, compositions and crossovers. The long term goal is to provide a platform which exceeds drawings, renderings and photographs for not only architects but also interested individuals. The videography does not intend to take a counterpart but as an informative and relevant supplement to emphasize the spatial experience. Also it is not supposed to serve pure documentary style but also as an artistic approach to transfer the sense the building within its surrounding emits to it