LOCKED IN COWARD HARDCORE WORLDWIDE Album: The Solemn Leap LYRICS: COWARD That fragile and feeble heartbeat now plays in my head, Reminds me of the strength that I had reminds me what a coward I am. Sister believe me now its for you that Im fighting today, Cause when you fought for me you gave me my life back There was no loss for words No pain, no scary ghost I must have faced but I felt so many times torn apart from flies and ticks, from a worthless judgment Until I missed the point and turn pale I felt like a coward Engaged by the easy game the worst kind of a coward betrayed by the blame hard is the whip on me, and my faith was faltering. All the waves seemed too high to be faced Fall after fall my sight was faded by my complaining Every discomfort seemed like a war I know one day Ill take a look at those broken thoughts and that time I surrendered I felt like I loved, with no regret I felt no judgment to expect Your monster came and you were there I wont forget you, here I swear That frag