Polis Jandarma Özel Harekatdan Duygulandıran Şiir Turkish Wolves Special Forces Poem
Yer: Hakkari Yuksekova Bu klib basta, Sehitlerimize, ,Gazilerimize ve carpisan butun, Guvenlik, Guclerimize armagan olsun, ayni zamanda NewOttoman, RAIDER CAVALRY ϜΎsϞ Xbigseekprox kardeslerimede armagan olusun. NE MUTLU TURKUM DIYENE , BOZKURT, BENIM, ICIN, TURKUN, SIMGESIDIR, BIR PARTININ DEGIL This is a non profit clip. Tribute to all those security personnel that risks their lives to clear terrorists out of the Republic of Turkey. Sarki: Zack Hemsey Revelations (Remix)