HTC VIVE Lip Tracking in Social VR ( Neos VR)
A showcase of the HTC Lip Tracking module fully integrated inside of Neos VR a collaborative social VR metaverse, where you can play, build, work and learn completely in VR in realtime multiplayer, free on Steam Most showcased avatars don t have all blendshapes to even fully utilize the data coming from the lip tracker device. Neos will automatically utilize existing visemes for rudimentary lip tracking and it allows easily mapping expressions to existing blendshapes on the avatar smile, frown, sticking tongue out) or building custom behaviors using our ingame visual scripting LogiX. We support variety of devices for maximum avatar expresivity eye tracking (Vive Pro Eye), lip tracking (HTC Lip Tracking Module), full finger tracking (Leap Motion, Index and so on). Steam: Discord: Patreon: Twitch: Website: Official YouTube Channel: