Judgement is Upon Thee Alice: Asylum Pre Production Progress
American and Martin are back, broadcasting from the underground lair We re joined by Scruffy Bumps, Hammibal Lecter and a Bear Fisted Bear. We also talk about REDACTED and REDACTED TWO and what they mean for Alice: Asylum and the business going forwards, and of course there were prizes, shenanigans and a little Lulu too. This is a copy of the live stream we did over on Twitch. Why Because YouTube is broken and won t allow us to schedule future live streams, that s why Join the next Twitch live stream here: Not a Patron It s 5, month gets you Early Access to Crowd Design and preproduction on Alice: Asylum, access to our Discord Server, and a direct line to Q A during the livestreams Become a Patron today Support the art you love