Hovercraft Research (1965)
Southampton, Hampshire. L, S of hovercraft reaching the shore. C, U shot of the testing of an air cushion of a hovercraft on wavy conveyor belt. Several M, S of a man working on the oscilloscope and observing the functioning of an air cushion. Cut to a big command board tracked hovercraft analogy computer study board operated by a man with glasses. L, S of the hovercraft model being tested in a big pool with a wave making construction at one side. Succession of shots showing scientists at work different stages of testing of the model. Hover around here at Southampton where this Government sponsored research team is taming and training a new Several great C, U shots of the motor and propellers of the small hovercraft model. Stabilising the hovercraft has been the most jolting problem of informs the narrator but the engineers have found the answer to the problem The secret s in the levels out what could be a pretty rough ride through choppy Vari