New World Order Prophecy 2019, , Third Temple Ritual Has Begun, , Offering Altar
This doesn t look good at all One World Religion, End Time Prophecy are being fulfilled right now Dedication of the 3rd Temple Altar Ritual and animal sacrifice. Jewish Rabbis say that the temple will be built for every religion that are worshiping the true god. Feel free to share the video all you want. Spread the truth. This is a ReUpload since the other video got into some trouble Music: Hans Zimmer Time (OST Inception ) Fingerstyle guitar SHOP NEW Christian Clothes HERE If these clothes can lead to a conversation about Jesus with somebody or just a silent reminder to someone walking by in need, then the purpose of this brand is fulfilled. The purpose is not to commercialize rather to evangelize the word. To take something that Satan has corrupted and shine some light in this world. All the small profits will go towards the furtherance of the kingdom of God. If you have followed this channel some time y