THOUGHTS DESIRES The Seven Sermons of Carl Jung ( Sermon 6)
Sermon 6 expands on the Gods presented in the previous sermon, Sexuality and Spirituality, by exploring their daimons. The daimon of Sexuality is the serpent, while the daimon of Spirituality is the white bird. Jung s psychological cosmology reaches close to home, as these daimons are halfhuman soul. He expands on the essence of each in the first half of Sermon 6. After this, a POWERFUL postsermon discussion transpires between Philemon, the dead, and bringing us closer to a conclusion on the entire 7sermons series. Sermon 6 highlights thoughts and desires, logos and eros, fears and pleasures, addictions and attachments, creation (earth) and eternity (heaven) effective thought and insight, the EGO, Socrates elenchos, logic and reason, and much more I appreciate all the support, especially those sharing this content to help get Jung s message out Chapters 00:06 Sermon 6 15:17 PostSermon Discussion 27:25 The Following Night 31: