Apolline COVER Nevermind by Leonard Cohen ( True Detective OST)
The war was lost The treaty signed I was not caught I crossed the line I was not caught Though many tried I live among you Well disguised I had to leave My life behind I dug some graves Youll never find The storys told With facts and lies I had a name But never mind Never mind Never mind The war was lost The treaty signed Theres truth that lives And truth that dies I dont know which So never mind Your victory Was so complete That some among you Thought to keep A record of Our little lives The clothes we wore Our spoons our knives The games of luck Our soldiers played The stones we cut The songs we made Our law of peace Which understands A husband leads A wife commands And all of this Expressions of The Sweet Indifference Some call Love The High Indifference Some call Fate But we had Names More intimate Names so deep