A Million Miles Away by マクロス MACROSS 82 99
Neoncity Records, Hong Kong neoncityrecords bandcamp A Million Miles Away released July 11, 2017 all rights reserved 01 00:00 Now And Forever 02 02:15 Horsey (feat. Sarah Bonito) 03 04:47 This Feeling (wSoul Bell) 04 08:45 Lovers (wBeat Poems) 05 11:34 Night In Tokyo Pt. II 06 14:28 Grandlife, Highlife (wRollergirl) 07 17:37 Fugaz (feat. mothica) 08 19:47 アスカBad Girl (wLancaster) 09 22:41 Thank You A Million Miles Away Limited Edition Cassette 1. Now And