Why Narcissists Lie About Cheating On You, Even When Caught In The Act, EP 1, Self Protection
In this thoughtprovoking video, we delve deep into the fascinating world of narcissism and explore why individuals who exhibit narcissistic traits often resort to lying about cheating, even when confronted with undeniable evidence. Drawing upon psychological theories and reallife observations, we uncover the motivations and thought processes behind this perplexing behavior. Join us as we unravel the complex psychology of narcissists and gain valuable insights into their deceptive tendencies. Don t miss out on this intriguing exploration that sheds light on a common yet enigmatic aspect of human behavior. If you re curious about the intricate workings of the narcissistic mind and the reasons behind their persistent dishonesty, this video is a mustwatch. Remember to like and share this video with others who may find this topic compelling. Let s embark on this enlightening journey together OUTLINE: 00:00:00 SelfProtection 00:01:48 Control and Manipulation 0