Victoria Listunova Best Floor Performance Young Russian National s
Виктория Листунова в настоящее время Олимпийская Чемпионка в команде в Токио в 2021 году. Обладательница Кубка России в абсолютном первенстве На видео выступление Вики в городе Пенза на юниорском Первенстве России. Вольные Упражнения разбор сложности комбинации по группам элементов. A student of the Moscow School of Olympic Reserve No. 1 and the Sambo70 School (since the fall of 2019). Coach Olga Petrovicheva. Previously she was also engaged in synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics. She won gold medals at the Russian junior championship three times in 2018. In 2018 she also performed in the show Blue Bird: The Last Hero In June 2019, at the junior world championship in Gyor, she became a threetime world champion in the team and absolute championship, as well as in floor exercise (she won silver on uneven bars). A little later, at the Summer European Youth Olympic Festival in Baku, she won five gold medals, having failed only with performances on the balance beam.