Explaine Movie The Night House 2020 Film Explained in Urdu Hindi Summary Untaaly Entertainment
Welcome to Untaaly Entertainment Explaine Movie The Night House 2020 Film Explained in Urdu Hindi Summary The Night House 2020 horro Movie explained in Urdu hindi. The American psychological Thriller Horror Film Night House story summarized with a full ending in explanation. The plot is about a woman Beth who is depressed after her husband s death. She over drinks and frequently sees a dream and believes it is reality. But she soon realises it is not a dream and that she possesses some supernatural power. She has the impression that her husband s soul is hovering around her. One day, Beth discovers the picture of many girls in her husband s phone. She tells her friend about it, but her friend tells her to forget about it and to remember the good times she had with her husband. She suspects her husband was cheating on her. But then she goes to the forest to find the truth, and there she finds a doll with many pins inside it. She interprets it as a sign of black