Markus Schulz Sarah de Warrren Light On, Offical Music Video
Discover on other services: The mantra behind Markus Schulz s latest album artistry, The Rabbit Hole Circus, is driven by a soulful, introverted nature. Sounds felt within; sonic resonance beneath the surface. A key component from the album in the form of the Sarah de Warrenstarring Light On comes under full extraction and focus. Defined by his passionate drive and influence across multiple layers of the dance music industry, Markus Schulz weaves a distinguishable fusion through The Rabbit Hole Circus explorations; combining darkened progressive moods with rhythmic techno stylings, wrapped around a tranceinspired emotion in which he has become accustomed for many years. Light On registers a firsttime tandem with Sarah de Warren; a vocalist who has excelled across dance music s broad spectrum, recognized for work alongside Lucas Estrada, Kaskade, Gareth Emery and Tritonal. Quickly establishing itself as a fan favourite upon The Rabbit Hol