ALIEN WICK, AI Generated Action Film
ALIEN WICK is a short film inspired by the infamous John Wick movies, the visuals were Assisted By: Midjourney v6 and Runway Gen2. Sound: Epidemic Sound. More than 2000 images were generated on Midjourney for the nearly perfect shot. From the 2000 images, 110 were selected to be further animated using Runeway s tool. Overall the entire process took around 35 hours of generation and editing. I am extremely impressed by Midjourney s new v6 model, not only are generations better, but prompting is now somewhat accurate. This is a positive step for filmmakers using AI in general. I believe it is only the begining of something very promising. Let me know in the comments what my next short film should be about, i m open for suggestions Soundtrack: Hystics Bring Out The Dead Many thanks to: RunwayML curiousrefuge mreflow cyberjungle delightfuldesign , aifilm, midjourney, runway , stablediffusion , aigenerated, aianimations, midjourneyprompts, midjourneyv6