Milo The Prank, Cartoon for kids
Milo the cartoon for kids, Milo is a cute bunny rabbit. As a 6 yearold child, he has all the positive and negative aspects of his age. He reacts with the surrrounding environment in a positive way, thanks also to his parents who help him to get to know the things and people who attract his natural curiosity. He is a curious rabbit, and is slowly but surely learning about himself and the world around him, a constant source of novelties, surprises, informations and encounters through not necessarily of truth. Subscribe for more episodes : Watch your favorite preschool cartoon in Mini TV: Milo, Louie draw me something, 64 Zoo Lane, Mouk, Hilltop Hospital, Pablo the little red Fox, Ethelbert, Archibald the Koala, Lazy Lucy, Jasper the pengouin and much more to come. .. , 23 The Prank Milo, Vincent and Thomas conspire to play a joke on Victor, who is standing under a tree. Their laughter attracts the attention of Judith. Milo quie