Sweet Apple Acres Forever ( Strawberry Fields) featuring Tsyolin
This song has been a LONG time in the making. We had the first part, the part without the orchestra, done for quite awhile, but we had no way of doing the latter 80 of the song. So, we asked our friend Tsyolin (Then AJ the Engineer ) to help us out And he did an amazing job with the orchestra and mixing this song Check out AJ s awesome work here: Also, for such a special track, we had to have a good picture to go with the video So we enlisted the help of TetraPony, who did an absolutely amazing job with this artwork Check out his work here: Big thanks to Everfree Radio for doing allowing us to do a release event on their stream Check them out here: The copyrights of the Beatles, their respective solo works, and My Little Pony, are used in a parodic manner, therefore this track is protected under the Fair Use laws of the