Daughter of Evil Russian fandub by Soundless Voice
,, ,mp3: Well, it s completed Xx Firstly, I m not trying to imitate Rin s voice, because it s too high for me. So, I m just the storyteller. Secondly, I still have the bad I do not own the artwork, the song and the video. Only my translation and my voice belong to me. Hope you like it. Here is the text in translit. DOCH ZLA Nu zhe, sklonites peredo mnoj Mnogomnogo let nazad za tysjach ju morej, Zhili ljudi s dushami, chto byli t my chernej A na trone pravila, prekrasna, kak rassvet Junaja princessa 14ti let. Vse v izjashhnom bleske v chertoge zolotom I sluga chudesnyj, chto tak pohozh licom Zhozefinoj loshad ljubimuju zovut Malen koj princesse vsjo podvlastno tut. Esli malo zolota pozhertvuet narod Zaberem vdvojne u teh, ch ja uchast jeshafot Esli zahotite vy vdrug perechit mne Srazu zhe okazhe br, br,