HOW TO FIX HUNCH BACK, HINDI Hello Everyone, A hunch back (कबर) or Thoracic kyphosis is never what we wanted and we get against our desire. As we are using mobiles and computers extensively nowadays, a hunch back posture is observed to be very common among people. Even the kids are also affected with this. In long term, this bad habit can cause us neck, shoulder and back pain, deformed spine, circulation issues and even impaired lung function. In this video, we shared very useful exercises which you can do it in home without any hardship and get your spine straight with regular practice. We request you to go through the full video and comment your feedback. There are other exercises also which we will cover in upcoming videos. Useful Videos: How to fix neck hump: Fix your posture in 7 days challenge: Rounded shoulder exercises: How long it takes to r