Mahadev Vs Vishnu, मह प रलय क र य द ध, Supreme Gods Fight
Disclaimer : This video is only for entertainment purposes only. Please don t take this seriously. This video is not to hurt anyone and is purely for spread wisdom. About this video : In this video Lord Vishnu has plan to arouse emotions in the Lord Shiva and he successfully done that. And also I tried it Musically. Mahadev Vs Vishnu, महपरलयकर यदध, Lord Shiva vs Lord Vishnu, Supreme Gods Fight , MahadevvsVishnu, ,LordShivavsLordVishnu, ,Mahadev, ,LordShiva, ,LordVishnu, ,MahadevvsVishnuFight, ,ShivaVsVishnufightScene, ,SupremeGodsFight, , DevoKeDevMahadev, ,Mahakal, , OmNamahShivay, , ShivandVishnu mahadev vs vishnu fight full episode 621 mahadev vs vishnu fight mahadev vs vishnu fight episode mahadev vs vishnu fight full episode mahadev vs vishnu fight hotstar mahadev vs vishnu who is more powerful mahadev vs vishnu fight season shiva vs vishnu fight shiva vs vishnu who will wi