ROYAL: Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II (1953)
BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Good scenes from the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. ENGLAND: THE CORONATION. Historic film of most Full Description: GBTV Int. Duke of Edinburgh s procession proceeding down Abbey aisle. STV Crowd in Abbey standing in seats. GV Duke s procession towards Organ loft archway. SV People standing, bowing heads, STV Queen in procession down aisle, Maids of Honour, carrying her train. SV People bowing heads. STV Queen in procession down aisle, Maids following. GBV Queen s procession down Abbey towards archway. TV Ditto, under archway. SV Duke of Edinburgh takes up position beside Dukes of Gloucester Kent. SV Peers looking on. TV Queen s procession into Theatre part of Abbey. SCU Duke of Edinburgh looking on. LV Queen s procession passing Dukes, Queen steps at Chair of Estate. SCU Queen at Chair of Estate, kneels down to make humble pra