Area 51 Airline , JANET: The Secret Government Airline That Doesnt Exist
JANET AIRLINES. Heard of Janet Airlines No Good. That s exactly what the US government wants. One of the government s biggest secrets is hiding in plain sight. In Las Vegas. Janet is the topsecret government airline that doesn t exist. Next time you re in Vegas, visit one of the big casinos next to McCarran Airport. I m talking about Luxor, Excalibur, Mandalay Bay. When you get there, look East at the airport. All day long, but especially early in the morning and late in the evening; you ll see mysterious planes taking off and landing. You can t miss them. They re big. They re Boeing 737s. They have no markings. No logos. They re plain white with a single red stripe. This is Janet Airlines. Janet is a topsecret, airforce owned commuter airline. For civilians. But the destination Janet goes to the most I m talking a few times a day Area 51. Let s find out why. SUPPORT