Roman Holiday (1953, USA) Audrey Hepburn ENGLISH ᴴᴰ
Genres: Comedy Romance Directed and Produced by William Wyler Screenplay by Dalton Trumbo, Ian McLellan Hunter, John Dighton Story by Dalton Trumbo Starring: , GregoryPeck as Joe Bradley , AudreyHepburn as Princess Ann Eddie Albert as Irving Radovich Cinematography Henri Alekan, Franz Planer Edited by Robert Swink Music by Georges Auric, Victor Young Distributed by, ParamountPictures Storyline: A bored and sheltered princess escapes her guardians and falls in love with an American newsman in Rome. Languages: English Italian Taglines: Audrey Hepburn at her Oscarwinning best in an immortal comedyromance Release date:, August27th, 1953 (United States) Awards Won 3 Oscars Total 11 wins 18 nominations, RomanHoliday, 70thAnniversary