3 Awesome Paralon Water Fountain using PVC Pipes, Egg and Stone
3 Awesome Paralon Water Fountain using PVC Pipes, Egg and Stone (indoor fountain and outdoor fountain) Earn from Amazon Business by putting up links: Register now Materials used: Water Fountain using egg 1. Buy Small Water Pump: 2. Buy Hot Glue Gun: 3. Buy Hot Glue Sticks: 4. White Cement 5. Egg Water Fountain using PVC pipe 1. Glue (super glue, PVC resin, sealant) 2. Large PVC pipe about 10cm diameter and 20 long 3. Buy Round Acrylic Sheet: 4. Stone or Pebbles 5. Small 12 volt Pump 6. Tools (PVC cutter, Glue gun, sealant gun) Buy Hot Glue Gun: Buy Hot Glue Sticks: 7. Aquarium Guppies Water Fountain using stone 1. DC 312V Mini Pump: 2. Popsicle sticks 3. Buy Rocks