Close to the 7th Power Mandelbrot Fractals Cardioid
Another 7th power Mandelbrot fractal zoom that is close to its cardioid (more of a 6way symmetrical cardioid) Part of a little series of videos, with Part 2 here: The winner of the vote this last week was the 7th power Mandelbrot, which got 67 of the votes. The 11th power Mandelbrot got 33 of the votes, while none of the other fractals were voted. Please like subscribe if you liked the video, and leave a comment on your favorite moment Music: Synthetic by, e s c p, Music promoted by Attribution 4. 0 International (CC BY 4. 0) Cats Cradle by Purrple Cat, Music promoted by Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike 3. 0 Unported Dreamwalking by, e s c p, Music promoted by Attribution 4. 0 International (CC BY 4. 0) Software: Kalle s Fraktaler 2 Keyframes Movie Maker 64