Ryan Started the Fire
NEW EXTENDED VERSION HERE: Officethemed We Didn t Start the Made by Brad E and Ashley G Lyrics: Ryan Howard, Holly Flax, David Wallace, Future Fax Jim Halpert, Dwight Schrute, mustard yellow shirt Creed Bratton, Michael Scott, Darryl s cool, Toby s not Workspace, not an office, Everybody Hurts Elizabeth the whore, Todd Packer, sith lord, Hunter, that one night, you made everything all right Water mark, fun run, beer me, Stamford s done It s not Dwigt, it s Dwight, Stanley s gonne be all right CHORUS: Ryan started the fire It just started burning, Hey the temp s still learning Ryan started the fire But he didn t hide it Because Dwight did find it That s what she said, squeaky chair, bobble head, health care, Sprinkles, Bandit, throwing stars, liars don t have Mounds bars Bleeding nipples, br, br,