Solo Leveling AMV The Score Fighter
Alternative Title: Solo LevelingAMVFighter, , AMV ANIME: Solo Leveling Episode: Genre: Action, Drama Synopsis: In a world where certain humans possessing magical abilities, called hunters, must fight monsters to protect the human race from certain annihilation, a very weak hunter named Sung Jinwoo finds himself in a fight that he can only try to survive. . One day, after narrowly surviving an overwhelmingly powerful double dungeon that nearly wiped out his entire party, a mysterious program called System chooses him as its only player and, in turn, gives him the amazing ability to level up without limits. . Follow Jinwoo s journey as he battles all sorts of enemies, both human and monster, to discover the secrets that lie within the dungeons and the true source of his powers. Music, Artist: Fighter The Score Link: Watch in HD 1080p, 60FPS Like, Comment and Subscribe, 3