NDT 2020 Standby ( Paul Lightfoot) and She Remembers ( Sol León)
Standby Paul Lightfoot The first is symbolically named Standby, the word used to cue artists preparing onstage that a performance is about to commence. It is dedicated to the entire company: combining the 42 artists who were together on the NDT stage in this tumultuous 20192020 season. Standby, a large physical work inspired and dictated by the rules of social distancing, uses the music of the Danish composer Knudgåre Riisager, who wrote this iconic music reflecting on all the stages of a classical ballet class, which NDT gives its own whimsical take on how we use classical technique inside our unique house style. She Remembers Sol León The second film is a far more intimate and poetic world named She Remembers. The cast is made up of six exceptional artists who shall be ending their careers at NDT, and departing from the company at the end of this season. A work inspired by an ocean of memories and the beauty of transformation using music from George Frideric Handel and Max Richter.