RAF Cranwell Graduation (1949)
Unused, unissued footage dates and, or locations may be unclear or unknown. RAF Graduation Parade in Cranwell, Lincolnshire. M, S of RAF flag flying. M, S as the Duke of Gloucester (Prince Henry) walks up to saluting base, mounts and salutes. M, S of the Duke being told the parade is ready for inspection. Various shots of Duke and escort inspecting parade. Pan from spectators to parade of Cadets marching in slow tempo. M, S of photographer reloading film into still camera beside saluting base. General view of the clock tower of the Central Hall; pan down to L, S of cadets lined up in front of it, saluting. Duke and party arriving for inspection. General view of spectators. More shots of the march past with the Duke taking the salute. Cadets present arms. M, S of the colours being taken up steps into College Gymnasium. M, S of the Duke and commandant mounting rostrum inside gymnasium. Two RAF officers sitting on platform. M, S as Cadet mounts platform, salutes and receives sword from th