Metal Speaker Shootout: Celestion Vintage 30 vs Celestion Cream Alnico
Signal chain: RME Fireface UFX Radial XAmp Chris Custom Tube Screamer Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier 2ch. Mesa Boogie Rectifier 2x12 single Shure sm57 RME Fireface UFX. Same microphone positions near speakers. DI tracks by George Shchelbanin, riffs from Deviant Syndrome Judgement: Your Bloodstained Path. Guitar used in this recording: Jackson KV1 with Seymour Duncan El Diablo bridge pickup. 0:05 Celestion Vintage 30 (T4416) in the mix 0:40 Celestion Cream Alnico (T5954) in the mix 1:15 Both speakers in the mix 1:51 Celestion Vintage 30 (T4416) guitars only 2:26 Celestion Cream Alnico (T5954) guitars only 3:01 Both speakers guitars only DEVIANT SYNDROME Links: George Shchelbanin Links: Deviant Nation Mixing Studio Links: Please d