Ansys Maxwell and Icepak Two Way Coupling ( Part 1) Lesson 3
This video lesson is the first part of the simulation procedure for electrothermaltwoway coupling between Ansys Maxwell andIcepak. This video shows how to enable and add a thermal modifier to Maxwell, which is necessary to enable twoway coupling between Maxwell, an electromagneticbased solver, and Icepak, a fluidsbased solver. Temperaturedependent properties in the Maxwell design must be enabled and defined for at least one component. Material resistivity and conductivity are functions of temperature, so a proper temperature coefficient must be used while assigning a thermal modifier. This video guides you through a stepbystep procedure to prepare a Maxwell model for thermal simulation using Icepak by enabling temperature dependence and assigning thermal modifiers via the material properties. , , INTERESTED IN MORE Visit Ansys Innovation Courses for free courses that include videos, handouts, simulation examples with starting files, homework problems and quizzes.